Arc of Ark

Terrence Sykes

There isn’t much left

 of Noah’s Ark

 these days

 a piece or two


 slowly by

 on a cool evening

This dilapidated pier

 perhaps was cobbled


 from the others

 that passed

 in the years


Then one evening

 as the sun sinks

 into the waters

 this pier will

 break free

 & shall arc

 onto Ararat again 


Terrence Sykes was born and raised in the rural coal mining area of Virginia.  This isolation brings the theme of remembrance to his creations, whether real or imagined.  Other interests include cooking, gardening ,heirloom vegetable research & foraging wild edibles.  His poetry - photography - flash fiction has been published in Bangladesh ,Canada, Ireland , India, Mauritius, Pakistan, Scotland, Spain and the USA
