Liberation and Classification

 Marzieh Jahabani

You don’t need to know the grammar,

When the grammar doesn’t know that

All tenses are present continuous.

Grammar is restricting,

It classifies the inevitable complexities.

Words are l i b e r a t i n g,

But as more you find yourself in the words,

More you lose yourself in the world.

Love; restricting or l i b e r a t i n g? who would say?

Life: the butterfly wings; fragile,

It flies away as you follow to catch it,

And it dies as you FINALLY catch it.

Your death is good for all the classifiers of the world,

They’re in love with numbers,

They desire to write two dates, two numbers, in front of your name.

These classifiers aim to rule the world,

With their GRAMMAR books and DICTIONARIES,

As they tell you what “success” means.

But YOU should find out that present is past, past present,

And future at hand,

and “success” your death.

You are above time and place,

Why should you not stand above the classifications?

