The Road Taken

By Milton Ehrlich

 Was silent with thick,

white lines,

curvy and treacherous.

Uphill all the way,

I never knew where

the road was going

or how long it would

take to get there.

I understood I must stay

within the white lines.

Words didn’t matter.

I paced myself to the

metronomic tick

of the windshield wipers.

Danger lurked at every turn.

I could hear God laughing

as he said:

You could have taken the other road!


Milton P. Ehrlich Ph.D. is a 90-year-old psychologist and a veteran of the Korean War. He has published many poems in periodicals such as the London Grip, Arc Poetry Magazine, Descant Literary Magazine, Wisconsin Review, Red Wheelbarrow, Christian Science Monitor, and the New York Times.

