
By Liam Murray


If this city looks like a picture postcard,

Then you’re the stamp that sends it someplace else,

That tiny square is too small to fill with forever,

And we say life’s too short to talk about the weather


The bands (and boys) you love to play (about)

Can’t drown out the soft sound of tram bells and sirens,

I don’t care for events or famous locations,

A guide to off-roading may as well be a map,


But let’s stick to what’s gotten us this far,

Last-minute tickets and devil-may-care,

Dashes along cobbled streets with no fare,

Rushing to live every second to the last minute,


And looking the other way as life slips on the backs

Of the great locomotive speeding along our tracks.






Liam Murray is a translator, editor and haunter of coffee shops who is happy as long as he doesn't have to leave the Beyoğlu district for too long.

